So I've begun transcribing my Grimoire pages into it's new home in the Moleskine Sketchbook. My hand is wrecked from it. I never realized how much information I had accrued over these ten years and I'm learning more every day. I have a million pieces of paper everywhere and to compile all the information is a challenge! It's also interesting to see how my path has changed and evolved. Even my beliefs have changed, but with knowledge comes a different understanding of things.
My ritual structure was very strict before and I felt stifled by it. Now I just go with it, let the muses take me. I use different deities now but still all similar aspects which I find amusing. I'm always drawn towards aspects of the water and night, chaos and darkness. Nyx, Persephone, Hades, Hecate, Ochum and Yemanya just to name a few. I think it's the Cancer in me :).
Witches, what were your first tools of witchcraft? Please elaborate!
A couple business things, I created an Anathemum Facebook Page. Become a fan and get special promotions, announcements, and updates for the Shop!
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