Thursday, February 02, 2012

Again on changes

As the frost melts on this Imbolc (even though there was no frost since it's been in the high 50's and 60's in Virginia which I'm really really into) it gives me time to pause and reflect. This year has really marked a bevy of changes for me. I reopened my shop after being gone for a while and I lost my job while 5 months pregnant. I drew a very ominous tarot spread at the New Year which spelled disaster and it has certainly come true in many many aspects. At least I saw it coming? So I've been hunkered down in my hut crafting prosperity charms and rubbing oil all over my money like a mad woman and so far the Gods have thrown a few bones my way.

Shop updates? More products. I know I said I'd start straying from the herbal products but I just can't bring myself to do it; I love the ritual of it just too much. I love your custom orders too. I feel spiritually renewed lately. Maybe it's the nice weather? Either way I want it to continue.

On an up personal note I've been healthy through my pregnancy and I've had much more time to work on the shop and personal projects. I've only got about 2 months left and I'm so excited. I can't wait to raise my nature loving wild boy and show him the wonder that is this stunning world we have. Will I raise him to understand and follow Animism like me? Yes. Will I hold him to it when he's older? Not necessarily. I want him to have choices and while my heart will tug a little if he doesn't want to pull tarot with me I'll feel good knowing that he will be brought up with an open mind and open heart.

I've also forced myself to devote more time to writing my children's book and you can see the progress over at Salt Moths. Instead of illustrating the book I'm building all the set pieces and characters in miniature and photographing them. While my story is not overtly witchy they are about animals and the things they do. The main story involves rabbits and salt and the moon. Go look.

I'm excited to see what all these changes bring. What changes have you made this year?


I can't tell you how fun it was finding new molds for my chalks. This new mold system is reusable (my others were use once and done) and allows me to create many new and different chalks for you. They're good to carry with you as well, these chalks are super sturdy. Blessed Imbolc to everyone! I'm itching to start my seeds already considering it's so nice outside.

Alkanet Root Sigil Chalk

Money Drawing Sigil Chalk

Uncrossing Sigil Chalk