Man I've been gone a while, eh? Here's the catch up:
Classes started again and so far I'm having a swell time. We have great discussions in Sociology and Drawing II is definitely worth it. We've been doing contour drawings of bones in ink which come out looking magnificent despite their occasional inaccuracy and we're going to be using live models this year as well! I've only used photos for reference and pose study, never live models so I'm really excited about it.

I went into DC recently to stock up on art supplies at Utrecht's in Northwest. While I was there me and my friend and fellow artist (pictured above) visited the Hirshhorn Art Museum for our midterm project. It's one of my favorite museums because the art they have there is modern in premise and experimental. They have a fair amount of Installations too, like a few really trippy video installations that are seizure inducing. They have this really wonderful exhibit there called Strange Bodies that if you're in the area you should check out. Once I get the pictures from my friend I should be posting them.
As far as crafting goes I joined another Pagan swap over at Craftster this time for Ostara so I've just started doing some more crafting for that. I took some time off from art after the holidays because I was just exhausted. Now that it's been a few weeks I've really begun to miss it so this swap came around at a great time! I also might be interested in some small personal swaps as well.
I should have some photos of what I've been working on within the next few days in addition to a new layout. It feels good to be back.
Welcome back! You were very much missed :).
You're too sweet :) Thanks, Carolina!
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