The more effort you put into an item, the better it is at performing whatever task you've assigned it. It's about intent. This applies for all aspects of magic and life; amulets, charms, workings, crafts, gifts, whatever. I try to impart everything I make with immense intent, not only just my incense and oils, but other items too. I've always been one to break crafts down, find the roots of them. Sure it's easy to buy dyed fabric but why not do it yourself? If there is so much more intent imparted upon the materials then the finished product will be pulsing with energy.

I've already experimented with natural dyes including Alkanet Root (red), Hibiscus Flower (berry red), Safflower (bright yellow), Onion Skin (bright yellow) and some of the results can be seen in the inks and chalks within my shop.

Several years ago I visited the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival and came home with armloads of natural yarns, mostly wools, wool blends, and cotton. I bought so much I'm still working through it! One of my favorite commercial yarns (and a total guilty pleasure) is Noro, a Japanese yarn company that manufactures beautiful wool yarn. It stripes stunningly and the colors are vibrant. The company does as much of their spinning by hand as possible and creates these delicious color combinations. Another favorite commercial yarn brand is Lambs Pride by the Brown Sheep Company, a beautiful blend of soft wool and mohair and a dream to knit with. I've been knitting up a storm creating all kinds of pouches bags and purses to store your tarot cards, runes, or gemstones and bones in. Most of them will go to the festivals but some will be left over for the shop. I'm in love with all the colors my house is filled with right now.

My you've been busy with your fiber collection! I've been wanting to give dying cloth and wool yarn with natural items a try for quite a while and this may be just the kick in rear I've needed to finally give it a go.
Honestly? The last time I dyed anything was when I was 12, so this should be interesting on a number of levels. ;)
Wow, those really turned out beautifully!
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