Today I listed the Mystic Eye Pouch and a batch of Kyphi Incense in the Shop! I really love the design on the Kyphi tin I came up with. I find that selling incense with a container seems like a cool deal since I ALWAYS have an issue finding containers to put things in. This simplifies things :)
Since moving I have found nothing but positive things to say about this area. I live about 15 minutes from a historical college town full of antique stores, which I've been prodding through lately, hole in the wall shops, great little venues and restaurants, and a giant library to boot! There is this one very large antique store that has dissapointed me with it's service. The store is beautiful, clean, decent prices, and a great selection. The owners of this consignment based venue are very wary of any "young" person that ventures within the building possibly because of college students stealing in the past. This leads them to follow you around the store the entirety of your browsing. I like to touch, pick up, smell, and sort anything I want to buy and their presence makes me uncomfortable. And they've seen my pentacle so who knows what the lady blue-hairs think of me now! :D
On my most recent antique trip I picked up a lot of antique keys. While not skeleton keys, which are typically are more expensive, these keys are old with strange notches for the tumblers of locks. Some are very rusted and have wonderful personalities. My plans for these keys will take the shape of some sort of Hecate/Spiritual Gate/Knowledge Based etc charm which is still in the muddly puddles of my creative brain space and has yet to take true shape. Stay tuned for that. We are expected to get anywhere from 12in of snow to 40in of snow this weekend! I might have to go to work, or I might get to sit around the house watching tv and crafting which I'd much rather do that go to that "real" job any day!
I'd like to think that in these last two weeks of absence I've been pretty busy. I've got several WIP's lying around including several more trinket bags. The lack of sales in my Etsy shop has not deterred my progress at all, it has probably strengthened my resolve. I will try and generate more traffic to my site. Want to trade links, witchy friends? Let's do it.
Oh, those keys are fantastic! I have got to find better antique stores--most of the ones here are way overpriced. Alas. I can't wait to see what those become!
Aren't they?! I was very lucky to find a lot of 25 for only $6.50! I had to poke around and only happened upon them by chance which means I must find a good use for them! Otherwise the luck would be a waste.
0..O - Requesting a more detailed post of those eff'ing awesome keys w/ some high quality pics pl0x!
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